
Stavros Toutalas was born in a small village in Serres, a city in the Northern Greece (map). At a very early age he developed an interest in music and at the tender age of 8 he started making instruments using several types of wood.

In 1964 he bought his first bouzouki and the following year while working as a carpenter (that’s where he had his first encounter with wood sculpting) he met Dimitri Konstantinou a soldier from Agrinio serving in Serres. This acquaintance proved to be determinative since Dimitri offered his knowledge of the Bouzouki bounteously to Stavros.

At 16 he met Christoforo Moutafi who came from Turkey and together they would play live in several places for the next 2 years.

He eventually settled in the nearby city of Drama and continue to play in local places, festivals etc.

At 24 the lid of his bouzouki broke and he had to go to Thessaloniki to have it repaired. On the way back and after having spent almost a week’s salary for the repair, he promised him self he would never go to another repairman again. A dream had begun!